Thursday, September 26, 2013

Girl Time!

On Monday's and Wednesday's Kaden has preschool for 2 hours each morning.  Sometimes, I get two complete uninterrupted hours of mommy-time the girls nap that entire time, and others they refuse to we have girl time!  And seriously, when this little lady looks at you with her beautiful blue eyes, and flashed her beautiful teethy (6 new teeth!) am I supposed to say no to a little play time?!

Miss Kassie loves playing peek-a-boo.  (This is her hiding!)  She is super cute when she plays...unless of course it is while she is eating mashed potatoes or bananas...not that she's ever done that or anything! :)

And then there is this little beauty!  Miss Kelsey is the more active, wild one of the two!  She is into everything and doesn't take no for an answer.  Right now she is pretty proud that she got the lid off the headband container and has thrown them all over the floor.  She tried desperately to keep up with her brothers and is most often found without pants on (reason #1 I love babylegs), because she has no time to lay still long enough to get dressed.

One thing they both love is their blankets.  We have a pink one and a purple one, they are interchangeable and don't belong to any one girl....but they both think that they both are theirs!

These pictures are a little blurry, but I had to capture what was unfolding...

...I think Kels has watched her brothers wrestle a little too much!!

Pure sweetness!!

Sometimes I don't mind when they skip their morning naps...I really love our girl time together!!  Our babies are growing WAY too fast for my liking, and I want to hold these special times forever in my heart!

Monday, September 16, 2013

When Daddy Says No....

Kassie and Kelsey are having a fun time with their new game, throwing all of their food on the ground.  We, as the ones who have to clean it up, are not big fans of this new game.  I tell them no all the time, but last night was the first time Daddy said it in a stern voice.  As you can see, they didn't like to hear it from Daddy....

Friday, September 13, 2013

Colorful Breakfast

Each week Karter learns about a "new" color at to spell it, write it, identify it and sing about it!  Then every Friday, the whole class is supposed to wear that color to school.  The first week was green I surprised Karter by making our breakfast eggs and ham sausage!

Each Friday we have fun with our breakfast, but I have just forgotten to document.  This week was all about the color purple... we had purple waffles!

I was going to make pancakes, but if you have ever been here on a Sunday morning, you know that pancakes are Kristoffer's thing!  So, we had perfectly purple waffles!

Little brother enjoys his colorful breakfast too :)

Nest week is all about black....hmm, guess I could just burn breakfast!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kaden Reading

Kaden has always been a lover of books.  I love the memories of him as a little guy, grabbing a book and backing up into my lap and saying "book".  Now, he is grabbing books and backing his little tushy into my lap, but he is the one wanting to read to ME!  It is so cute to watch the little wheels in his brain turn as he tries to sound out the words.  Yesterday, he read his first complete book to me.  I was so proud, so he wanted me to video tape it....enjoy Kaden reading Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb...