Tuesday, August 27, 2013

10 (and a half!) Months

Our little babies aren't so little anymore!  Their 10 month birthday was a couple weeks ago...and I just finally had time to take their pictures!  I am in full first-birthday-party-planning mode, and it has been a lot of fun to go back and see how they have changed each month.

And of course...no photo shoot is complete without my two handsome assistants!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Girl on the Go!

Miss Kelsey is a mover!!  She has never been much of a snuggler and each day she is becoming more and more independent.  She discovered last week she could walk while holding on to this scooter they have, and is now cruising along one handed....it is not going to be long before she is running around the house!

Such a big girl :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Conversation with Karter

A conversation between Karter and I while getting ready for school this morning....

K: "Mommy, when we say our prayer today, will you pray for my head to stop hurting?"
Me:  "Oh, do you have a headache?  Let me get you some Tylenol."
K:  "No praying is the only way to make me feel better!"

Love my Karterman!!

Wordless Wedneday

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

After School Routine

I am loving our after school routine.  Every day this sweet little boy runs off the bus and jumps into my arms.  He loves school (he says, "not like I love you...like I'm not going to marry it, but I do love school") and is having a great time everyday, but I love how he is still so happy to see me and be home!

After we come inside, he climbs up on one of the bars stools and has a snack and tells me about his day.  He wants to share things, but I have to ask questions before he will say anything.  It is pretty tough (and sometimes frustrating), because I really don't know what his days are like.  I sure do miss his sweet face while he is gone all day!

And then...most days he does this!

I know he is listening so hard at school, that when he comes home he is exhausted!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Starting Kindergarten

This week has been full of exciting changes for our family!  Monday Kaden started preschool and Tuesday Karter started Kindergarten.  Tuesday morning, the boys sat on the front step to see what time the bus went by our house.

On the first day of school, I actually went with him and we had meetings with his teacher to make sure him (and all the students) were prepared for their first full day.

Such a handsome little guy!!

When we got to school, we unloaded all of our supplies and then found Karter's seat at his table.  

Karter outside his classroom!

Karter and his teacher, Mrs. Moore!

He was such a good sport and let me take his picture A LOT!!

Karter had an assignment to complete before his first full day of school...pick 5 things that represent him.  Here is what he picked and his reason why...
1.  A picture of him and his siblings - "Because I am a big brother"
2. A car - (rolling his eyes) "Because they are my FAVORITE!"
3.  A shell - "Because I love the beach"
4.  A cross - "Because I love Jesus"
5.  A book - "Because I am a good reader"

On his first full day, we were out at the bus stop with plenty of time to spare!  Gramaw walked down to witness this big step for Karterman!

Kristoffer had a golf event for work that morning, so it worked out perfectly that he could be home too!

These two...so much alike!!  AND...they both melt my heart!

And then, just like that, my baby boy climbed onto the school bus for the very first time.  I held in my tears until I saw him smiling and waving as the bus pulled away...and then the last 5 years flashed in front of me and I couldn't hold them in anymore!  I think on Wednesday I hugged the babies a little more than usual, I'm afraid to blink because before I know it they will be climbing the big yellow bus.  
He has had a great two days of school and loves going (we knew he would)...everyday when he gets off the bus, he runs to me and gives me a big hug.  What a special boy he is!!