Monday, July 29, 2013

His Adoring Fans

This is our last week of summer break!  It is hard to believe how quickly time passes by these days.  When our little baby Karter was born, everyone said enjoy every minute because it goes fast.  However, when you are in the middle of sleepless nights and you are treading water just trying to stay afloat in parenthood when the days last forever, it is hard to imagine that time will pass quickly...but it does!  Having children really teaches you perspective...everything is just a phase and nothing lasts forever.  Our little baby (who was just born, right?!) is now FIVE...he no longer fits under my chin when we snuggle...or even lets me snuggle him for that matter. 

 Anyway, back on topic...he is starting school next week!!  I am not sad for him to go to school, because he is going to excel at it and he is so ready.  All along I thought it was going to be Kaden who would have a hard time adjusting to Karterman being gone all day, but I think it is going to be the girls.  They adore him and he can make them laugh unlike any other person.  I'm pretty sure his adoring fans are going to miss him more than little brother and momma!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Babies on the Move

Last week while we were at the beach Kelsey really started to crawl around.  Our beach house has wood floors, and just like I predicted, when we got home to our carpet (and she got some traction) she has really picked up some speed!!  Nothing is safe around here anymore...bathrooms, the toy room, lint off the laundry room floor...she is into it all!  How can you get made when she looks at you with those big, beautiful eyes!?!

Not only is she an champion crawler, but she has also mastered pulling up on anything that stands still longer than 5 seconds.  She spends most of the day hanging out by the stairs, thankfully she hasn't gotten brave enough to climb them yet.  She walks along, holding onto the stairs and occasionally gets enough courage to let go!  I am afraid walking is not going to be far behind!

Miss Kassie has had her own unique way of getting around....rolling, stretching and leaning until she got what she wanted.  She "could" crawl, but has always picked another way of getting around...until yesterday!!  Yesterday, the boys were playing with their tiny bouncy balls and Kassie really wanted to play with them too.  So yes, I shamefully taught our daughter to crawl by teasing her with something that she shouldn't have!  I would let her play with it for a second, then take it across the room until she would crawl to me.  She was so proud and realized that she could do it!!  So we switched to a bigger ball (one that is not a choking hazard!) and I caught her crawling on video....

Friday, July 26, 2013

We're Back!!

 Photos by Brad Styron Photography

After an eight month hiatus from blogging...I am back!! In November we ran out of photo storage on our old blog, and with two newborns at home I didn't have a chance to figure out what to do.  I still don't have a lot of free time, but I really missed having an outlet to share all the adorable things our kids do.  I'm not making any guarantees on how often I will post, but I'm sure with school starting up there will be some photos and storied to share....